Our men are building meaningful relationships to inspire and support each other to live out our faith in Jesus.
We have a range of Special Interest Groups for men to connect with other, while doing things that they love!
Men on Bikes - Cycling
Men with Clubs - Golf
Men with Rods - Fishing
Men with Machines - 4WDing
Men eating Pizza - Pizza
Men Outdoors - Camping
Men on Bikes - Cycling
Men with Clubs - Golf
Men with Rods - Fishing
Men with Machines - 4WDing
Men eating Pizza - Pizza
Men Outdoors - Camping

Men seem to like a good old fashioned cooked Breakfast. Four times a year we hold inter-generational breakfasts for all the men at New Community. We invite a guest speaker to inspire and challenge us.
Saturday Mornings, 7:30am
Bean in the Woods Cafe, Ringwood Square
Monday Matters
At 8.00am each Monday morning you can join a Zoom meeting with a wide variety of engaging guest speakers.
Men on Thursdays
At 8:30am each Thursday morning join other guys at the Plunge Café at Aquanation for a coffee and chat. Some take the opportunity to swim prior to coffee.

A great way to keep up to date with what our Men are up to is to join the Facebook group.
If you'd like to find out more about any of these activities, contact Ian Bunston or get in touch via this button: