We want kids at New Community to know the Creator God and understand his intentions for their lives

We want our young people to experience healthy relationships with peers and adults

We want them to experience a sense of belonging within a safe community

We want them to be empowered to know the way of Jesus and be committed to a life of mercy, justice and love

On Sundays

We have a committed team of leaders who love kids and love God. Each Sunday, during our main gathering, our leaders run fun and safe activities for Primary School aged kids to teach them about God, faith and making sense of life.


Away from our main gathering, our kids meet each term in peer groups, with parents, called Hangouts. These  occasional events can range from campfires to laser-tag, a bike-ride to a swim and are a way of building relationships and community.

To find out more about our Weekend Kids programs, hangouts or what other activities are happening for Kids and their parents
talk to one of our leaders or contact us via the link below


Parenting was never meant to be done alone, but we also acknowledge the central and formative role a parent plays in being responsible for shaping a healthy environment for their children. We have a range of resources and short courses available to help parents in their journey of parenthood.